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Banbury Manufacturer Named Employer of the Year

27 Jun, 2013 | Return|

Banbury based manufacturer Norbar Torque Tools has been named Employer of the Year at the Oxfordshire Business Awards.

&Norbar picked up the award on Friday 21st June at a ceremony held at the Oxford Thames Four Pillars Hotel, after being nominated alongside Numerical Algorithms and STL Communications.

The Banbury based company is the world’s leading manufacturers of torque wrenches and torque calibration equipment, employing 275 people in the local area. The award win comes during a period of expansion for the firm which recently began a phased move to a new 170,000 sq. ft site on Wildmere Road in Banbury.

Neill Brodey, Managing Director of Norbar Torque Tools, said:

“We are thrilled to have been named Employer of the Year. It’s a fantastic accolade, especially when you consider the quality of the two other companies nominated.

The win reinforces our commitment to our employees as well as Banbury itself, with the company having been based in the area since my grandfather and his partner began the business in 1942.

Without our employees in Banbury and across the globe we wouldn’t be able to deliver our best-in-class torque products or meet the growing demand for our solutions. We are very proud of our employees and the products we deliver and this award is a great way to celebrate what we do.”

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